
Showing posts from June 4, 2023

/u/Both_Experience_1121 on Do you feel included in the Queer community?

I think atheists should be welcome at that table. Esp since there are atheistic religions, deists who aren't religious, etc. Which to me is a lot like aro or ace in this analogy. June 05, 2023 at 01:17AM

/u/Madock345 on A gay redditor saying that asexual people shouldn't be in the LGBTQIA+ community

Just being in the DSM doesn’t mean you can get locked up for it. It’s supposed to include every known condition, not just the serious ones. (Not that we should have been included in the first place, but it’s like saying jaywalking is on the books so you can go to federal prison for it.) June 05, 2023 at 01:15AM

I’m in a relationship that I don’t want to be in and I don’t know why

So for starters, me and my gf have been dating for a little over a year and a half now. I’ve had some longer relationships but she says that she has never had one that lasted more than a month. We met through a mutual friend. When we first began talking I would ft her every night. I didn’t mean it in a way of trying to make a move or anything, just genuinely liked talking to her as a friend. We talked about our days and if her days were bad I’d try to do what I could yo cheer her up, and she eventually told me that she felt a certain type of way from me talking to her like that and that no one has ever given her this kind of attention before. We fooled around for a few weeks before we eventually started dating. What I’m looking for in a partner is someone mostly to hang out with, fool around every now and then, and to just spend time with. However, I came to find out that she sees relationships as a much more serious matter, and takes any sign of me not marching her intense feelings...

What's your opinion on a long distance relationship with an extrovert, if you're an introvert?

Title says it all Submitted June 05, 2023 at 12:14AM Title says it all

Going on a first date this week, nervous

I finally landed a date with someone and I'm nervous lol. I've only ever been on one date before and it was really awkward and we never spoke to each other again. We vibed well over text but in person it was just weird. Basically I went to pick her up, and I thought I should get out of my car and give her a brief hug or something. I mean, I thought it would be weird or disrespectful if I just stayed in the car. But when I went to get out she instead she bolted right into the car and didn't say much. We drove to a restaurant and she was really quiet and I was like scrambling trying to think of things to say. We went to a restaurant and she complained about the food and didn't eat anything. I even asked if we could hold hands, but she pulled away from my hand after like 15 seconds lol. And then later we went back to her place to watch some movies but she kept like a 30 foot distance on the couch between me and her. And then we never talked again I'm so scared of this...

/u/Actias_Loonie on A gay redditor saying that asexual people shouldn't be in the LGBTQIA+ community

What do they even mean by "pick a side"? Do they realize they're telling somebody to control who they're attracted to? How is that different from "stop being gay?" fumes June 04, 2023 at 11:39PM