I have a great marriage, but rarely have sex. How can I reignite that part of our relationship?
My wife (29F) and I (32M) have been married for 5 years. We have a wonderful marriage. We communicate really well, are extremely supportive of each other, share responsibilities, and genuinely enjoy each other's company. Right now, she is working from home full-time, and I am down to part-time hours, but also working from home. Despite being around each other almost non-stop, we are as close as ever and have had no conflicts or stresses on our relationship. The one area which has been a concern for years, though, is our sex life. We used to have sex a few times a week, which was fantastic. I knew that sex might taper off a bit as time went on, but I wasn't prepared for what has happened. We now have sex no more than twice a month, sometimes only once a month. I try to initiate much more often, but she always shoots me down. We never have sex on weeknights, only weekends. She never initiates, never tries to seduce me, never makes any attempt at being sexy. When we do have sex,...