Had posted elsewhere but want mens honest opinions... I houseshared with a guy 3 years ago. He moved home - 2 hours away. Both work 5/6 day weeks but kept in contact & met each month for dinner, stayed in a nice hotel, spent the next day together etc. Conversation, chemistry were great, he'd always thank me & contact to see if I got home safe etc. He came to visit me a few times, met my family. We had a few minor rows in the 3 years, I always got back in contact first but they were never over big things. He can be stubborn but is also shy, deep & quite sensitive. I made more of an effort to be in contact but he was always happy to meet up etc when I asked. He asked my age when we met but I didn't answer. I knew he was younger and he knew i was older. It didn't come up again. He was single a year & had been hurt, he wasn't looking for a relationship when we met. I never pushed him. This year, he contacted me more, acted like a boyfriend. I knew things ...