
Showing posts from March 6, 2023

/u/CaughttheDarkness on Okay, this one annoyed me. Discussion on r/selfawarewolves about a transphobic person who cut off the LGBTQIA+ acronym at LGB. In my comment, I mentioned my annoyance at asexuality being excluded as well as trans, queer, intersex, and so on and this was the response I got. Mildly pissed off.

Please tell me that’s not still the state of your marriage. March 07, 2023 at 01:27AM

Me (24F) I am the bad guy to (20F) gf because I want comfort

Ok so I’m 24 my gf is 20 and she has depression always have since she was a kid. Me on the other hand it depends on what happened in the moment for me to be depressed like breaks up etc. well my dad passed away a month ago and I already haven’t even grieved my mom who passed away a year ago my dad became sick and he just wanted to give up to be with my mom last year was trying for him and I. So I’m just depressed af ok like the two people who have been there in ever step of my life are just gone. Well my gf tells me I can talk to her about anything but In reality she doesn’t want to she said it’s drowning her when she is doing better with her mental health (even though that’s a lie she isn’t) she just doesn’t want to hear it. Which hurts like hell to hear cause you know all I want is some comfort like a gave her when she was going through something I was always there for her. It just hurts that I feel like I can’t just vent then get some love somehow I’m the bad guy and she convinced ...

Dating while feeling blue

After a long lonely pandemic and post pandemic I would love to meet someone to hang out with, and potentially be in a relationship with. My challenge is that my mood is often low and it is really hard to motivate myself to communicate on dating websites. The kicker is that I usually really enjoy the in-person part of meeting new people. In a way this feels like that same thing that makes it so hard to leave home on some days to go do something “fun”. Once you get there it is fun, but the pre-leaving part is just doom and gloom (that makes a night in on the couch ridiculously appealing). Any suggestions on getting past this? Submitted March 07, 2023 at 01:09AM After a long lonely pandemic and post pandemic I would love to meet someone to hang out with, and potentially be in a relationship with. My challenge is that my mood is often low and it is really hard to motivate myself to communicate on dating websites.The kicker is that I usually really enjoy the in-person part of mee...

who are you.

hi 18f here. i'm just here to ask your opinions about whether you think from a guys perspective this guy (19m) is "pursuing" me or is he trying to be friendly. (we've been texting for 2 weeks) why my friends and I believe he is: 1. he dmed me asking what the assignment was for the seminar. (we never talked at all during or prior our seminar because we were never placed in the same assignment groups. he could've asked his group members since they most likely exchanged contacts for projects and the assignments are usually posted on our canvas page) 2. he doesn't follow anyone else in our seminar except for me and his group members. 3. he asked me if I wanted to go to the library with him to work on the seminar assignment (even when technically the assignment isn't due until 2 weeks later) 4. he usually waits for me to leave the classroom and we talk together (it might be because we are headed the same way since his next lecture is on the way to my dorms......

/u/Nellbag403 on pack it up guys, it's over for us

I like the energy, but the message could use a little workshopping March 06, 2023 at 11:33PM

/u/HiddenMasquerade on One of my favorites in an older format.

I will “conceptually” smash March 06, 2023 at 11:33PM