
Showing posts from September 18, 2020

/u/TooIdleForUsername on Romantic Asexual or just traumatized?

So many red flags... only you are able to tell and say who you are and no else's opinion can/should matter while you are defining yourself. "However, despite our love for each other our largest problem in our relationship is our intimacy (or lack thereof)." -> intimacy is NOT only sex. Intimacy can be ANYTHING you want. Else you had get a very unhealthy definition on intimacy. "Sex for me was always a bit of a chore. I didn’t necessarily dislike sex with him, but I was definitely neutral. I appreciated it for the closeness that it provided afterwards, but not really anything else. I didn’t experience desire and I have no idea what it means to be “horny”. Sex feels physically good in the moment and I have orgasmed before, but I’ve never craved it." -> seems like me... grey asexual, than again it is an spectrum. Not repulsed, but at the same time ONLY doing it to please your loved ones. I love aftercare as well, it is the kind of intimacy/sensuality which...

/u/Fiawsiel73 on Just found a silicone ringggggg yay

You can find them at Amazon September 19, 2020 at 12:03AM

/u/MoonBeamerGirl on I want to get an ace flag, but I'm not out to my family yet. Does anyone have any ideas for something small I can make to subtly show my pride?

There’s a really cute ace shirt on Amazon featuring kittens with the colors of the ace flag! Very cute and subtle September 19, 2020 at 12:03AM

/u/FashionableKitty on Random Flag mashup bot on Twitter gave me an idea to combine the ace flag with the flag of SFR Yugoslavia, so here's the result.

I... well... honestly, this makes me uncomfortable. Yugoslavia is such a recent thing and living here, seeing the flag fly again at the anti goverment protests, this just looks weird. Currently we have huge debates whether it's appropriate to use the red star and other symbols of the old country as the symbols of anti establishment protests going on right now, because, well, 30 years ago the anti establishment protest were against Yugoslavia (and then the war started, and, yeah... You know what happened.) It's complicated is my point. This isn't a flag of, say, Prussia, something that already has a distance of history behind it. This is still alive and well and INCREDIBLY sensitive. September 19, 2020 at 12:02AM

/u/sorry97 on For all my fellow aces and community, something to learn.

Beg to differ. As some of you may know already the DSM has changed A LOT in the past 50 years when it comes to sexuality. For example, if you look at one of the very first pages of “psychopathia sexualis” (idk if I wrote it right), it says it is “rare for a man to not be interested in a female companion, same as a female actively looking for a male companion” (it states that in other words, but this is basically what it means. Homosexuality was considered a mental disease back then, and it took a pretty long time for it to change (even now, conversion therapy and other stuff exists, so it is still treated like a disease in some places). So what does all of this have to do with asexuality? First of all, if you are asexual you’re referring to your sexual orientation, which is different to sexual attraction (yes, even non asexuals aren’t interested in sex from time to time, they aren’t in the “mood” or whatever). But this is the tricky part, when exactly is it asexuality and when do...

/u/Universal_82 on Just found a silicone ringggggg yay

Where do you get one? September 18, 2020 at 11:59PM

/u/MoonBeamerGirl on Do you microwave your cake/pastries?

Cake colder, muffins warmed (ever try a corn muffin warmed for like 15 seconds? So good) September 18, 2020 at 11:59PM

/u/introAces on A small constellation of aces discussing an issue between some troubled (and toxic?) sexuals. (Advice is also welcome)

I am very sorry in advance if this is not the right place for this. I'm new to actually interacting on Reddit still. September 18, 2020 at 11:58PM

/u/ajakr on So one day I am gonna propose to my ace gf and I’ve been thinking abt rings, does anyone else think rings that sorta look like ace rings would be rlly nice? September 18, 2020 at 11:56PM

/u/anonymous4939 on Searching about asexuality now, because...

I feel like I am having trouble doing that... Why do you feel that I might be aromatic if I might ask? September 18, 2020 at 11:56PM

/u/hangrydragonNC on So one day I am gonna propose to my ace gf and I’ve been thinking abt rings, does anyone else think rings that sorta look like ace rings would be rlly nice?

Ugh, I love these, do you have a link to them? September 18, 2020 at 11:55PM

/u/WolfgangNeko on thought yall might like this :)

They now?? September 18, 2020 at 11:55PM

/u/hangrydragonNC on I'm in a really dark place right now and I drew this. The red text are actually quotes from my family.

Jesus, I'm so sorry you have to tolerate that from your own family. Stay strong and try to find some good friends (and other family if available) who can accept you for who you are. Stay in this community too, many of us can relate to some extent to some of the things you might be going through and most of us are happy to listen and help in any way we can. September 18, 2020 at 11:54PM

/u/hangrydragonNC on this shirt has ace flag vibes

Ugh, want! September 18, 2020 at 11:50PM

/u/scicoolgamique-_- on I had a debate with my friend about gender-neutral bathrooms and now he called me retarded.

well why didn't u use them. i used them a few times. i don't mind September 18, 2020 at 11:49PM

/u/scicoolgamique-_- on I had a debate with my friend about gender-neutral bathrooms and now he called me retarded.

that is true September 18, 2020 at 11:45PM

/u/AceOfManyYears on Searching about asexuality now, because...

You might be asexual. Apart from that, you might be aromatic. It might help if you can untangle your romantic feelings, if any, from your sexual feelings. September 18, 2020 at 11:43PM

/u/AethericEsoteric on I'm new to this, please help me with your advice

Thank you so much! This really helped September 18, 2020 at 11:41PM

/u/anonymous4939 on Searching about asexuality now, because...

Wow, thanks! You are very kind. It didn't help much in determining sexuality (or maybe it did? I think it's like you said, I just wasn't sure how sexual attraction feels like, and that in itself seems to be leaning towards asexuality?), but definitely made me chuckle a bit. I think I had the same thoughts before as you did. I felt a person out of time even when I was growing up. I swing back and forth on whether I want to be born in historical era or not. Yes because I'd know exactly what's expected of me, and since there are no other option, I'd be clear on what I should do. No because it does not have toilet and internet... Lol. Thanks. I was feeling super down and confused just because of the sheer family pressure on marriage and kids and stuff... I'll definitely stay and hang out until I figure this out. (Even after that maybe, lol) Thanks! September 18, 2020 at 11:32PM

/u/Background_Pen5647 on For all my fellow aces and community, something to learn.

As usual, the male identifying aces kind of are invisible...I see y’all. September 18, 2020 at 11:27PM

/u/ickyjinx on For all my fellow aces and community, something to learn.

It's important to note that several of the DSM disorders aren't to pathologist the behaviors, but to provide accessible diagnoses for people who find the behavior patterns to be a problem, which allows insurance to cover it. Similarly, a child might for all intents and purposes be phonological dyslexic, but have a sight word vocabulary at a genius level, negating a need for services. What I'm getting at here is that a disability is required to be a deficit as well as having a substantial adaptive impact. Aces may be fringe in their sexual drives, but they don't see a problem with how that plays out in life. People with a sexual dysfunction that want to have sex and are bothered by lack of arousal deserve to get the help they desire. Some of the posts here have taken a conspiracy theorist bent - while I respect that the DSM has historically had a track record of use that has left many sexual minorities wanting over the decades, over-normalizing hypoarousal for people...

/u/AutisticAndAce on For all my fellow aces and community, something to learn.

Also we were in a list of things that would apparently be the downfall of society from 1926, so unless you've got anything better, you're not creative. (but also just...don't. you're wrong and the only thing you're doing is hurting people.) September 18, 2020 at 11:16PM

/u/UnicornFukei42 on I'm in a really dark place right now and I drew this. The red text are actually quotes from my family.

Sorry to hear that. And normality is overrated, take it from a neurodivergent. September 18, 2020 at 11:12PM