I started talking to this guy online 5 months ago and he kept saying we should just talk a until it’s organic to meet up and I went with it. He suggested a couple time but it never happened because of both us. One day, it seems like a good day so I decided to go. Date was okay, he was very sweet and a bit rushed. We have been dating for a month and half now. He always makes the plans, never ask what’s I want. Never has taken me out expect coffee first date. Second date was tennis and then his place. Third was beach. Then all of them his place, when I bring it up he gets upset. He says he has more fun staying in and then says he goes out to eat with his friends. I go to his place since he lives alone. One night he suggested 7 pm then texted said come at 8 and then at 9 so I didn’t even go, said maybe he has no time. That was like a fight. He was flipping out. Made plans again, schedules for 8 to make sure there were no misunderstandings. Yet, right now I’m outside his apartment wa...