
Showing posts from October 10, 2022

/u/sinker_fox on My parents are the reason why I’m s/x repulsed and asexual.

I wish I was. I'll try to find the video I saw talking about this. There are several Tiktok videos from teachers of pre-school through about 4th grade talking about introducing kids to kink and sex in order to destigmatize sex, but that just sounds like grooming to me. This is a big reason Florida has that bill people are calling the 'don't say gay' bill, even though the bill is saying teachers can't discuss sex of any kind with young children, including heterosexual relations, because it's not age appropriate October 11, 2022 at 12:25AM

/u/Stock-Access3042 on Feeling lonely and scared

I only realized I was asexual when I was 30, and it was because I read an article about it and realized it described me perfectly. I would get 'crushes' on ppl, and in my mind we would start going out and fall in love but I could never imagine the sex scene. It is gross and weird to me. I have had sex many times but never once because I actually wanted to. I actually identify as aegosexual. Just learned about it this year but omg it makes so much sense. The first time I had sex I just lay there and let him do what he wanted and I was like was that good? He was like no you just lay there and I was like yeah I didn't really want to or enjoy that. I have had sex many times. I always thought people were just doing it to please their partners, just like me. I don't ever initiate but I am willing to do it if you are happy or if I love you and you enjoy it. I worked as an escort for a time, because in my mind sex is just this body thing you do and it gives ppl pleasure and th...

/u/dotCoder876 on Forced to be asexual???

Involuntarily celibate = incel, a member of a misogynistic movement That term abstractly describes the situation well if not for it being taken October 11, 2022 at 12:19AM

/u/MidnightPetroleum on So, I’m not the only one that feels like r/actualasexuals is kinda… wrong, right?

Yeah I know, was looking to join at one pojnt then noticed it all, super disappointing *about the apothi sub gatekeepers October 11, 2022 at 12:12AM

/u/programmer2514 on Representation we can all get behind

I'm stealing this October 11, 2022 at 12:10AM

I (32M) am Dating someone (38M) who works a lot and don’t know what to say sometimes.

I am dating someone that works a lot. However, I don’t know how to reply via text to someone who says they work so much. How would you reply? “Good job on the hard work and keeping it going” Submitted October 11, 2022 at 12:07AM I am dating someone that works a lot. However, I don’t know how to reply via text to someone who says they work so much.How would you reply? “Good job on the hard work and keeping it going”

/u/wakkawakkawhatt on My therapist told me I was "too hot to be ace". Opinions on this statement?

oh dang that is bad, My old therapist asked me "how can you be a lesbian if you are ace" .. I was like.. uhhhhhh. I am glad you stopped going! October 10, 2022 at 11:13PM