Questions about the aftermath of first relationship Questions about first relationships So I know this isn’t about a current relationship, but this also isn’t advice, hence my presence. Bit of a background here, my first relationship lasted a little over a year. We were starting to make plans for the future, but we were still in high school (I [18M] had just graduated, she [16F] was going to junior year) and we had to break up because of our parents shortly after she started her junior year. I found out shortly afterwards that she had in fact cheated on me for two months with the guy she was now dating. We broke up last September, and I found out November. I’ve had a gf since we broke up and am dating another girl now, and we’re doing really well right now, but... still have feelings for my first. My question: The people who’s first relationship lasted a decent amount of time but ended up ending for whatever reason, how long did it take for you to get over them? I just want to ma...