
Showing posts from March 25, 2020

/u/parsonip132 on WHAT IS MY SEXUALITY?!?!

After a bit of thought: look into lithrosexuality! March 26, 2020 at 12:23AM

/u/parsonip132 on WHAT IS MY SEXUALITY?!?!

There's a ton of aspec identities other than the most known ones (ace, demi, grey-a) such as reciprosexual and aceflux. You don't sound like any of those to me but keep looking and you might find something that fits! March 26, 2020 at 12:21AM


No problem xeno. March 26, 2020 at 12:20AM

/u/callousparasite on WHAT IS MY SEXUALITY?!?!

Thank u March 26, 2020 at 12:20AM


A time traveling alien. March 26, 2020 at 12:20AM

/u/parsonip132 on WHAT IS MY SEXUALITY?!?!

Barebones it stands for "involuntarily celibate" which means they want to do it but can't get it but incels usually are a lot more too yeah March 26, 2020 at 12:19AM

/u/callousparasite on WHAT IS MY SEXUALITY?!?!

An alien would suffice March 26, 2020 at 12:19AM


Well, If you want to follow the older meaning, then yes, you are an incel. But not a modern day one. March 26, 2020 at 12:18AM

/u/HopeForTheCure on This just in: asexuals are all dumb (and possibly dead), according to this brilliant YouTube commenter.

“you’re different than me, therefore you must not have a working brain.” March 26, 2020 at 12:17AM

/u/callousparasite on WHAT IS MY SEXUALITY?!?!

Well, then, I am referring to the older definition. Not up-to-date with the spectrum or anything related to it. March 26, 2020 at 12:17AM

/u/parsonip132 on Increasing ace culture and symbols

Dragons, too- but yeah, what always frustrates me is that unlike other sexualities we don't have any ways to dress/act that signal people (you know, lesbians with weird earrings and Doc Martens, bisexuals with cuffed jeans and the finger guns, for example.) I think it would be really fun if we had things like that. I have ace and aro rings but flags or pride shirts are the only other options and I can't do that since I'm currently closeted to my parents. We should turn this into a giant discussion and really make more ace symbols, although AVEN is where that usually happens I think! Great idea/question! March 26, 2020 at 12:17AM


The official definition is right, but that perticullar use hasn't been used for many decades. The dictionary might be out of date. March 26, 2020 at 12:16AM

/u/Pyro_Pegasus on This just in: asexuals are all dumb (and possibly dead), according to this brilliant YouTube commenter.

Actually I’m kinda wonder that myself sometimes. Despite knowing the term “asexual” for years, I still feel like something is wrong with me. Like somehow there is something missing in my brain. Like somehow during puberty, everyone else started to not only stop being repulsed by sex, but actually crave it and feel attracted to others. Meanwhile I’m still just as unattracted and disgusted by sex as ever. I’m extremely sex repulsed and sometimes I feel like that means there is something wrong with me. How do people suddenly feel desire? Does their repulsion just disappear one day? Or does desire and attraction kinda just appear and overpower their repulsion? Cuz isn’t everyone repulsed as children cuz their brains didn’t develop it yet? Why didn’t I change with everyone else? I’m freaking 20 years old and when I came out to my parents as ace, they told me I’m still like a child and a late bloomer, but how late am I supposed to bloom? What in my brain isn’t there? Why do I feel so much f...

/u/callousparasite on WHAT IS MY SEXUALITY?!?!

I just checked Cambridge Dictionary. It still defines it as a person who can't get involved romantically and is obsessed with their unatractivemess. So is their definiton wrong? March 26, 2020 at 12:14AM


An incel is a man who hates and despises women, usually when they discover they migth never get in their pants. Don't worry about the self hatred, youre not an incel. March 26, 2020 at 12:12AM

/u/of_pen_and_pencil on Just put these in my shoes!

I'm closeted bi, but I've been looking for a way to have some sort of pride. This never occurred to me, thank you so much for the good idea March 26, 2020 at 12:12AM

/u/parsonip132 on I'm VERY confused and could use some words of encouragement

First of all, same, same, same. You sound exactly like an aroace. Welcome to the community if that's what you decide to identify as! Also, wanting to be friends with someone (a platonic crush) is called a "squish". I get them a ton and that's why I thought I was actually having crushes when I was younger! March 26, 2020 at 12:10AM

/u/Enby_Rin on This GENIOUS is absolutely AMAZING (can you hear my sarcasm)

well, there definitely is a difference between demisexual, greysexual, and allosexual..... March 26, 2020 at 12:06AM

Questions on aftermath of first relationship

Questions about the aftermath of first relationship Questions about first relationships So I know this isn’t about a current relationship, but this also isn’t advice, hence my presence. Bit of a background here, my first relationship lasted a little over a year. We were starting to make plans for the future, but we were still in high school (I [18M] had just graduated, she [16F] was going to junior year) and we had to break up because of our parents shortly after she started her junior year. I found out shortly afterwards that she had in fact cheated on me for two months with the guy she was now dating. We broke up last September, and I found out November. I’ve had a gf since we broke up and am dating another girl now, and we’re doing really well right now, but... still have feelings for my first. My question: The people who’s first relationship lasted a decent amount of time but ended up ending for whatever reason, how long did it take for you to get over them? I just want to ma...

My (F19) boyfriend (M22) keeps following random local girls on Instagram

We’ve been together for two months and I’ve noticed he follows a lot of local random girls. It would be one thing if it was random porn accounts with a lot of followers, it’s another when someone is a drive away. They’re not sexual accounts either, just random pretty girls with normal pictures. It makes me insecure because the reason why we started talking is that he followed me on Instagram after talking on Tinder. Is it unreasonable to be upset? Should I say something, I don’t want to look crazy... TL;DR Boyfriend is following random accounts and I don’t understand why, I’m worried. Submitted March 25, 2020 at 11:52PM We’ve been together for two months and I’ve noticed he follows a lot of local random girls. It would be one thing if it was random porn accounts with a lot of followers, it’s another when someone is a drive away. They’re not sexual accounts either, just random pretty girls with normal pictures.It makes me insecure because the reason why we started talking is th...

Boyfriend rushing into marriage?

Me (24F) and my boyfriend (31M) have been together for 2 months, and I know it doesn’t seem like a lot but we fell for each other pretty hard during this period and he even started talking about living together and marrying me. He keeps putting an accent on how he never had such serious plans about anyone before and he was never 100% sure that he wanted that with the others until he met me. The thing is, this is all pretty strange to me... He has an ex girlfriend of almost 8 years (they broke up 4-5 years ago) and she got engaged with another a few months ago (before he even knew me). I don’t know how he took it back then, he seems to be over it now but I’m worried that he’s rushing into things with me just because he feels bitter that his ex is getting married... could it be that he’s just trying to cover up his pain by forcing a marriage into his life because he thinks it’ll pull his life together even though we haven’t been dating long? They started dating young and he said that he...

I'm (18F) absolutely terrified of my ex (20M) and I have no idea what to do.

Backstory: About a year ago I started dating a guy who I hadn't previously known for that long. Our relationship lasted only around 3 months, and we broke up on pretty good terms. The guy had a history of violent crimes (like real nightmare material), but when we were dating he had never acted violent towards me. Also, shortly after the break up I began dating another guy (20M), who I'm still together with. The first time that my ex started acting crazy was maybe a week after I started dating my current SO. He started sending me messages, insulting me out of nowhere. Like really bad insults and I was crying, but in my response messages I acted like I wasn't bothered. Maybe a week after that he contacted me again to apologize. I accepted his apology and we were on good(ish) terms again. He knew that I had a boyfriend, but he would still sometimes message sexual things to me. I mostly ignored it and left it on read. Sometimes he would still be a decent guy and act like a f...

My flatmate doesn't want me to have sex if she's home

This is long so thanks to those who read it I (24F) have lived with Jenny (34F) for about 4 months now and we used to work together. Things have mostly been fine and I thought we were getting along quite well but we are in a huge fight right now and it's causing me a lot of stress. We both are single but have FWB situations. We always tell each other if someone is coming over later, FWB or regular friends. The problem started the other day when she had her FWB (Andy, 27M) over to our place. They were hanging out in the living room when I left for about 10 minutes to take my dog outside. When I came back in I walked in on Jenny running out of her room to check on what she was cooking, she was topless and Andy was waiting in her room. I was really shocked and kind of automatically said "oh my god". Normally this really wouldn't annoy me at all but a few weeks previously I had my FWB (Mitch, 30) over and Jenny was not home at the time. We were being a little loud but...