I [M, 20] am unsure what to do with my girlfriend and my relationship [F,20]

for over 5 months now. At first it was all good but as we have been together longer. I realized that she puts no effort, we’ve had some communication problems where we couldn’t really have a conversation especially when we text. and I've sorts brought it up and she said she would work on it, and she did but later she sorta went back to her dry self. and we've talked about it a couple times and she'll sorta keep saying we can't converse, like it's always very short dry texting, but it's mainly bc she doesn't really sat much when we text. it's fine in person for the most part and this was why I didn't really get upset before but then she recently told me she only does it with me. like it seems like a game trying to talk to her. I'll occasionally text her and I'm pretty good at responding. I'm not upset she doesn't respond quick it's more that she doesn't put in any effort especially bc she's always texting her friends and it doesn't seem like she's doing the same with them. and then she also told me she only really does that with me, I genuinely put in effort to make conversations by offerering more info of myself and open it up to conversations.

She also never really put any effort into seeing me. I'm constantly making plans or tryna find time to see her even with my busy schedule. she'll bail with excuses like I'm tired and stuff. but only says something when I'm like are we still doing anything? I called her out and she got better at it that so I'm not very upset over that much because I've seen some improvement. I just feel like I'm not really a priority in her life sometimes and she'll say things like I obviously want to hang and stuff when we're together. but never really offers reassurance when she bails and stuff. I just feel like I've brought the same communication problem up and nothing has really changed. sorry this was a huge rant and prob sounds repetitive but I'm confused on what to say to her at this point to make me not end this relationship and make her realize what she might is doing is actually the reason that cause the problems that she as well brings up with me. she says she wants it to work but it seems like she hasn't really put much effort to make this work. it sucks because I really like this girl and would have never thought that I would have to break up with her and I don't want to and I want to make it work!

tl;dr GF doesn't really put effort in and then make it seems like I'm the one who causes the problems.

Submitted April 21, 2019 at 06:56AM

for over 5 months now. At first it was all good but as we have been together longer. I realized that she puts no effort, we’ve had some communication problems where we couldn’t really have a conversation especially when we text. and I've sorts brought it up and she said she would work on it, and she did but later she sorta went back to her dry self. and we've talked about it a couple times and she'll sorta keep saying we can't converse, like it's always very short dry texting, but it's mainly bc she doesn't really sat much when we text. it's fine in person for the most part and this was why I didn't really get upset before but then she recently told me she only does it with me. like it seems like a game trying to talk to her. I'll occasionally text her and I'm pretty good at responding. I'm not upset she doesn't respond quick it's more that she doesn't put in any effort especially bc she's always texting her friends and it doesn't seem like she's doing the same with them. and then she also told me she only really does that with me, I genuinely put in effort to make conversations by offerering more info of myself and open it up to conversations.She also never really put any effort into seeing me. I'm constantly making plans or tryna find time to see her even with my busy schedule. she'll bail with excuses like I'm tired and stuff. but only says something when I'm like are we still doing anything? I called her out and she got better at it that so I'm not very upset over that much because I've seen some improvement. I just feel like I'm not really a priority in her life sometimes and she'll say things like I obviously want to hang and stuff when we're together. but never really offers reassurance when she bails and stuff. I just feel like I've brought the same communication problem up and nothing has really changed. sorry this was a huge rant and prob sounds repetitive but I'm confused on what to say to her at this point to make me not end this relationship and make her realize what she might is doing is actually the reason that cause the problems that she as well brings up with me. she says she wants it to work but it seems like she hasn't really put much effort to make this work. it sucks because I really like this girl and would have never thought that I would have to break up with her and I don't want to and I want to make it work!tl;dr GF doesn't really put effort in and then make it seems like I'm the one who causes the problems.


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