My ex [22M] broke up with me [22F] and started seeing someone new right away

I don't know how to feel, we were together for 1.5 years.. He told me that the reason for the break up was because he had too many problems going on in his life with money and family and that he couldn't handle being in a relationship. Then the next day, I find out that he's already seeing a new girl. Not even a week - but a day later. This girl, I know he met a couple days before we broke up. We've been having some issues in our relationship prior, but we were working on fixing it.

Did he even care for me? Or love me at all? How does someone move on so quickly..

Or was he just waiting for someone new to replace me, as he probably wanted to end the relationship anyways?

I still follow him on social media, and I know I should unfollow him. But all the things he's doing with her, are things that he did with me, especially things we did when we first started dating. All the things that he kind of stopped doing towards the end of our relationship.. It just hurts to know that even after everything we've been through.. He can move on so fast. My relationship before him, ended similarly.. In which I was basically left for someone else or they moved on so quick. Why does this happen to me? :/

TL;DR - My ex and I broke up after 1.5 years, and he started seeing a new girl ONE day later

Submitted April 21, 2019 at 05:16AM

I don't know how to feel, we were together for 1.5 years.. He told me that the reason for the break up was because he had too many problems going on in his life with money and family and that he couldn't handle being in a relationship. Then the next day, I find out that he's already seeing a new girl. Not even a week - but a day later. This girl, I know he met a couple days before we broke up. We've been having some issues in our relationship prior, but we were working on fixing it.Did he even care for me? Or love me at all? How does someone move on so quickly..Or was he just waiting for someone new to replace me, as he probably wanted to end the relationship anyways?I still follow him on social media, and I know I should unfollow him. But all the things he's doing with her, are things that he did with me, especially things we did when we first started dating. All the things that he kind of stopped doing towards the end of our relationship.. It just hurts to know that even after everything we've been through.. He can move on so fast. My relationship before him, ended similarly.. In which I was basically left for someone else or they moved on so quick. Why does this happen to me? :/​TL;DR - My ex and I broke up after 1.5 years, and he started seeing a new girl ONE day later


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