My girlfriend [18F] is uncomfortable with a new friend [20F] of mine [19M]

For some context, my girlfriend is still in high school while I am in my first year of college, but she is only about an hour away so she visits every couple weekends and we talk every day. We are very close.

About 2 or 3 weeks ago, I met a girl in one of my classes who seemed friendly and we started talking. I did initially feel like I grew on her a little quickly, but she established that she has a boyfriend, so I assumed that there wasn't a problem there. I also later mentioned my girlfriend to ensure that anything happening was implied to be platonic. I  went to a Savers with the friend after telling my girlfriend. She was understandably uncomfortable and not happy about my decision.

Today when my girlfriend visited, the friend sent me a snapchat and asked me what I thought of her hair and pressed for more details on how I thought she looked when I gave her a simple reply. My girlfriend saw this and became even less comfortable with our friendship and thinks she's trying to hit me up. She has only expressed discomfort and has left any decision making to me.

I want to believe the friend is acting platonically, but I also see my girlfriend's logic in how the friend is communicating to me. I know my girlfriend trusts me and has told me that she will accept if I stay friends with her, but I feel guilty for making my girlfriend feel uncomfortable.

I feel like my only options are to either ghost/drop a new friend, or make my girlfriend unhappy. In the event of the first option, I am not comfortable with ghosting someone. I think my friend deserves an explanation for something that drastic. I also think my girlfriend deserves to be comfortable with my choice of friends.

TL;DR my girlfriend is uncomfortable with a friend who may be hitting on me and usually hangs out with me alone. I do not want to lose a friend (but am willing to), but I also would like to respect my girlfriend's feelings. How do I handle this?

Thank you for your help. This has been weighing heavily on me for a while now.

Submitted April 21, 2019 at 04:54AM

For some context, my girlfriend is still in high school while I am in my first year of college, but she is only about an hour away so she visits every couple weekends and we talk every day. We are very close.About 2 or 3 weeks ago, I met a girl in one of my classes who seemed friendly and we started talking. I did initially feel like I grew on her a little quickly, but she established that she has a boyfriend, so I assumed that there wasn't a problem there. I also later mentioned my girlfriend to ensure that anything happening was implied to be platonic. I  went to a Savers with the friend after telling my girlfriend. She was understandably uncomfortable and not happy about my decision.Today when my girlfriend visited, the friend sent me a snapchat and asked me what I thought of her hair and pressed for more details on how I thought she looked when I gave her a simple reply. My girlfriend saw this and became even less comfortable with our friendship and thinks she's trying to hit me up. She has only expressed discomfort and has left any decision making to me.I want to believe the friend is acting platonically, but I also see my girlfriend's logic in how the friend is communicating to me. I know my girlfriend trusts me and has told me that she will accept if I stay friends with her, but I feel guilty for making my girlfriend feel uncomfortable.I feel like my only options are to either ghost/drop a new friend, or make my girlfriend unhappy. In the event of the first option, I am not comfortable with ghosting someone. I think my friend deserves an explanation for something that drastic. I also think my girlfriend deserves to be comfortable with my choice of friends.TL;DR my girlfriend is uncomfortable with a friend who may be hitting on me and usually hangs out with me alone. I do not want to lose a friend (but am willing to), but I also would like to respect my girlfriend's feelings. How do I handle this?Thank you for your help. This has been weighing heavily on me for a while now.


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