Coworker touched my gf inappropriately

Tl;dr coworker inappropriately touched my gf and she didnt seem to care

A couple of things to keep in mind... 1. My gf is very attractive and dresses proactively at work most of the time. 2. Shes very bubbly and is pretty much everyone's friend.

The other night I met up with her and a bunch of her coworkers. This was the first time I've met the majority of them after dating for over 6 months. She introduced me to one guy as her "work husband". Shes mentioned him before but I had never met him. I watched how she was with most of her other coworkers and she would hug them just as a friend and there wasnt anything weird there.

Then with her work husband I noticed when they hugged it was almost a full body contact hug and he also had his hand on her hip. To me theres no reason another man should ever have his hand on my gfs back or waist. That clearly indicates sexual interest. That's how I see it anyways.

We had a chat later on when i told her how angry and uncomfortable I was. She proceeded to get into this big thing about shes not sexually attracted to him..hes like a father etc etc. My response was like... it doesnt matter if shes sexually attracted or not. First of all that doesnt mean he isnt and secondly his hand should never have been there in the first place. She was wearing a very thin shirt dress and you could feel her thong just by putting you hand on her hip. I'm sorry but that is not for anyone else but me. Putting your hand on a womans back or hip in that way is not something you do when you just have a platonic friendship. Am I wrong?

I'm not saying theres anything going on between them. But the fact that she did nothing about it and was comfortable with him touching her right in front of me really pissed me off.

Submitted April 21, 2019 at 04:56AM

Tl;dr coworker inappropriately touched my gf and she didnt seem to careA couple of things to keep in mind... 1. My gf is very attractive and dresses proactively at work most of the time. 2. Shes very bubbly and is pretty much everyone's friend.The other night I met up with her and a bunch of her coworkers. This was the first time I've met the majority of them after dating for over 6 months. She introduced me to one guy as her "work husband". Shes mentioned him before but I had never met him. I watched how she was with most of her other coworkers and she would hug them just as a friend and there wasnt anything weird there.Then with her work husband I noticed when they hugged it was almost a full body contact hug and he also had his hand on her hip. To me theres no reason another man should ever have his hand on my gfs back or waist. That clearly indicates sexual interest. That's how I see it anyways.We had a chat later on when i told her how angry and uncomfortable I was. She proceeded to get into this big thing about shes not sexually attracted to him..hes like a father etc etc. My response was like... it doesnt matter if shes sexually attracted or not. First of all that doesnt mean he isnt and secondly his hand should never have been there in the first place. She was wearing a very thin shirt dress and you could feel her thong just by putting you hand on her hip. I'm sorry but that is not for anyone else but me. Putting your hand on a womans back or hip in that way is not something you do when you just have a platonic friendship. Am I wrong?I'm not saying theres anything going on between them. But the fact that she did nothing about it and was comfortable with him touching her right in front of me really pissed me off.


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