How to actually communicate and put yourself out there

It’s one of the hardest things in dating for me: communicate. I really hold back communication if the other person doesn’t communicate freely or if we were just casually seeing each other / at the initial stage. I often just end things before I communicate because I rationalise it this way: - if I have to ask myself if they’re interested, they’re probably not - if I I have to ask them to talk to me more / hang out more, they probs are not that into me - if they talk about certain topic too much, they’re probs just annoying and obsessed Etc

I have been in the position where they question if I am interested or I did something that people found it annoying but I didn’t realise so I know communication is important. It’s just so hard as I’m really passive and because of the above reasons. I know it doesn’t cost me anything to say “hey I like you. So what are we doing here?” But I just .. can’t. So I always always ended up ending it thinking maybe another guy would make me feel more comfortable opening up.

How do you fix this :’)

Submitted April 20, 2019 at 10:59PM

It’s one of the hardest things in dating for me: communicate. I really hold back communication if the other person doesn’t communicate freely or if we were just casually seeing each other / at the initial stage. I often just end things before I communicate because I rationalise it this way: - if I have to ask myself if they’re interested, they’re probably not - if I I have to ask them to talk to me more / hang out more, they probs are not that into me - if they talk about certain topic too much, they’re probs just annoying and obsessed EtcI have been in the position where they question if I am interested or I did something that people found it annoying but I didn’t realise so I know communication is important. It’s just so hard as I’m really passive and because of the above reasons. I know it doesn’t cost me anything to say “hey I like you. So what are we doing here?” But I just .. can’t. So I always always ended up ending it thinking maybe another guy would make me feel more comfortable opening up.How do you fix this :’)


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