Communication styles

Have you ever had a conversation with the person you're dating about communication styles and expectations?

I've been dating a woman for over a month and it's going well, but she's quite busy and we only catch up weekly at best right now. This means messaging becomes more important, however she takes generally 12 hours to respond to anything and it's usually me initiating a message.

I plan to have a casual conversation with her about our different communication styles, I want to express how I love that she's pursuing her career and I understand that means she's busy but when I don't hear from her until 12 hours later I start to worry/feel bad, and I'd like to hear from her more. How would you phrase this?

I don't want to freak her out or make her feel like it's an ultimatum or anything - if she explains that she can only message in that time period but she likes me and sees this going somewhere, maybe I'll be more OK with it, but I want to let her know my wants. I like her and I want to hear from her more. Have you ever had to have this discussion? What did you say?

Submitted April 20, 2019 at 01:15PM

Have you ever had a conversation with the person you're dating about communication styles and expectations?I've been dating a woman for over a month and it's going well, but she's quite busy and we only catch up weekly at best right now. This means messaging becomes more important, however she takes generally 12 hours to respond to anything and it's usually me initiating a message.I plan to have a casual conversation with her about our different communication styles, I want to express how I love that she's pursuing her career and I understand that means she's busy but when I don't hear from her until 12 hours later I start to worry/feel bad, and I'd like to hear from her more. How would you phrase this?I don't want to freak her out or make her feel like it's an ultimatum or anything - if she explains that she can only message in that time period but she likes me and sees this going somewhere, maybe I'll be more OK with it, but I want to let her know my wants. I like her and I want to hear from her more. Have you ever had to have this discussion? What did you say?


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