My girlfriend [20F] and I [19M] broke up 3 months ago and now she did something unspeakable

For obvious reasons, I am not on my main account as I'm posting this.

To preface, our relationship was mainly based on doing drugs everynight at her parent's house in her bedroom. We did acid, coke, weed, shrooms and countless more. The honeymoon period lasted a long time because the drugs were making us feel in love and it was always a fun time. But then, she got addicted real hard to cocaine and I couldn't handle it and she also thought that she was hurting me a lot with her hard addiction.

It was truely a hard breakup for the both of us, but then after a few months of depression we decided to come back together. We were both sober at that time, that's when I realized I didn't love her as much as I used to think, so we broke up again.

NOW, she's obviously gone back to her addiction but worse; now she's into benzodiazepenes (xanax, klonopin) and opiates (Dilaudid, Morphine, etc) and from my friend's perspective, she's looking real bad. It's getting worse every day: posting pictures of herself on instagram all fucked up, messaging me constantly (I never reply), still thinking that I love her and she just got kicked out of her parent's house and living with a sugardaddy or something.

Now it's been 3 months that we split up, and she posts a picture on instagram of her hand in blood with the caption ‘‘A blood bath’’.

I'm really shook, I used to really care for her, but now I just feel dread because of what she did to me (like cheating on me). I really don't know what to think of it. Can someone calm me down on this one please? What do I do, I don't know how to feel.

TL;DR My drug addict ex-girlfriend is going down a dark path and I don't know how to feel about it, especially with the last picture she posted on instagram: A photo of her hand covered in blood with the caption ‘‘A blood bath’’.

Submitted April 21, 2019 at 04:56AM

For obvious reasons, I am not on my main account as I'm posting this.To preface, our relationship was mainly based on doing drugs everynight at her parent's house in her bedroom. We did acid, coke, weed, shrooms and countless more. The honeymoon period lasted a long time because the drugs were making us feel in love and it was always a fun time. But then, she got addicted real hard to cocaine and I couldn't handle it and she also thought that she was hurting me a lot with her hard addiction.It was truely a hard breakup for the both of us, but then after a few months of depression we decided to come back together. We were both sober at that time, that's when I realized I didn't love her as much as I used to think, so we broke up again.​NOW, she's obviously gone back to her addiction but worse; now she's into benzodiazepenes (xanax, klonopin) and opiates (Dilaudid, Morphine, etc) and from my friend's perspective, she's looking real bad. It's getting worse every day: posting pictures of herself on instagram all fucked up, messaging me constantly (I never reply), still thinking that I love her and she just got kicked out of her parent's house and living with a sugardaddy or something.Now it's been 3 months that we split up, and she posts a picture on instagram of her hand in blood with the caption ‘‘A blood bath’’.I'm really shook, I used to really care for her, but now I just feel dread because of what she did to me (like cheating on me). I really don't know what to think of it. Can someone calm me down on this one please? What do I do, I don't know how to feel.​TL;DR My drug addict ex-girlfriend is going down a dark path and I don't know how to feel about it, especially with the last picture she posted on instagram: A photo of her hand covered in blood with the caption ‘‘A blood bath’’.


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