My GF (23F) Hasn't Orgasmed With Me (24M)
Okay so I've been with my girlfriend for over a year and a half now and when we met she was a virgin. We recently have been having sex alot more and it came up that I have yet to make her orgasm. I've tried everything and I don't know what to do. I've had alot of partners in the past and this has never been a problem. She said that she still loves having sex with me but it also came out that her ex boyfriend made her orgasm multiple times a couple years ago so we know she's capable of it. A huge thing also is she has an eating disorder so she struggles with body image and that could be a factor and maybe I'm being egotistical but her ex made her so why can't I??? I can't stop thinking about it and it's really taking a toll on me please help!
TL;DR : My girlfriend can't orgasm with me but she has in the past please help!
Submitted April 21, 2019 at 05:52AM
Okay so I've been with my girlfriend for over a year and a half now and when we met she was a virgin. We recently have been having sex alot more and it came up that I have yet to make her orgasm. I've tried everything and I don't know what to do. I've had alot of partners in the past and this has never been a problem. She said that she still loves having sex with me but it also came out that her ex boyfriend made her orgasm multiple times a couple years ago so we know she's capable of it. A huge thing also is she has an eating disorder so she struggles with body image and that could be a factor and maybe I'm being egotistical but her ex made her so why can't I??? I can't stop thinking about it and it's really taking a toll on me please help!TL;DR : My girlfriend can't orgasm with me but she has in the past please help!
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