I'm a woman, about to ask out a man, and pretty sure I'm going to be rejected

He's 20 years older than me and I've liked him for a while. He showed interest at first but has since backed off a bit. I have to pass something off to him in a couple of weeks, so I'm going to take the opportunity to ask him for coffee or lunch and tell him that I'm interested in him and we seem to share some interests and some values, and I'd like to get to know him better and explore that.

I've never done this before and I'm shit scared. I'm fairly positive I'm going to get rejected but I feel like I need to do it anyway because it's critical to my personal growth. A few years ago I would not have had the confidence to even contemplate doing something like this, so it's a huge step for me and I feel like the outcome almost doesn't even matter. Just the fact that I'm doing it is really important to me.

I just wanted to know if anyone has any advice/encouragement/similar stories that they can share! Thanks Reddit :)

Submitted April 20, 2019 at 04:43PM

He's 20 years older than me and I've liked him for a while. He showed interest at first but has since backed off a bit. I have to pass something off to him in a couple of weeks, so I'm going to take the opportunity to ask him for coffee or lunch and tell him that I'm interested in him and we seem to share some interests and some values, and I'd like to get to know him better and explore that.I've never done this before and I'm shit scared. I'm fairly positive I'm going to get rejected but I feel like I need to do it anyway because it's critical to my personal growth. A few years ago I would not have had the confidence to even contemplate doing something like this, so it's a huge step for me and I feel like the outcome almost doesn't even matter. Just the fact that I'm doing it is really important to me.I just wanted to know if anyone has any advice/encouragement/similar stories that they can share! Thanks Reddit :)


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