I (18m) told my gf (18f) that we couldn't stay together after our high school graduation

My reasoning for this aside, I'm very worried that I'm torturing her by doing this.

I don't want to continue the relationship into college because I'm worried it will almost certainly end poorly and I don't feel comfortable leading her on as though it wouldn't. I'm gonna change a lot in college and so will she after high school, and I feel as though the relationship is not going to last. Also, we're going to different colleges and it would be long distance.

I decided that instead of breaking up with her on the spot right now, I would tell her that we couldn't stay together; that we need to break up before college. I thought that maybe this would make the breakup easier for her and that she would have more time to adjust to the idea. I have no idea if I made the right choice (as opposed to just breaking up right now). She reacted very poorly and although she says she wants to stay together until I leave, I worry that I'm only hurting her by allowing this.

Did I do the wrong thing? I'm just a dumb kid and don't know how to handle this stuff :(

Any advice would be very appreciated. Thank you

TLDR: told gf we couldn't stay together after graduation, in a few months

Submitted April 21, 2019 at 05:07AM

My reasoning for this aside, I'm very worried that I'm torturing her by doing this.I don't want to continue the relationship into college because I'm worried it will almost certainly end poorly and I don't feel comfortable leading her on as though it wouldn't. I'm gonna change a lot in college and so will she after high school, and I feel as though the relationship is not going to last. Also, we're going to different colleges and it would be long distance.I decided that instead of breaking up with her on the spot right now, I would tell her that we couldn't stay together; that we need to break up before college. I thought that maybe this would make the breakup easier for her and that she would have more time to adjust to the idea. I have no idea if I made the right choice (as opposed to just breaking up right now). She reacted very poorly and although she says she wants to stay together until I leave, I worry that I'm only hurting her by allowing this.Did I do the wrong thing? I'm just a dumb kid and don't know how to handle this stuff :(Any advice would be very appreciated. Thank youTLDR: told gf we couldn't stay together after graduation, in a few months


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