A rant for your delight and mild edification.

Sorry, guys, Just wanted to get something off my best. This is probably entirely 'for me', but for some reason I feel in need of an audience.

I have been single for a long time, about ten years. I'm straight male, 34. In terms of appeal, I guess I'm 'fine' although probably not too great in the face department. In fact the department has closed down and been converted into a sanctuary for stray cats.

Anyway, once every three years I'll end up chatting with someone and I'll think "Hey, this person seems cool and they appear to think me cool too." This was at a 'block-warming' event, an opportunity to meet residents of the flat complex I recently moved into. The conversation flowed well and we had a load of unexpected things in common. We exchange numbers and plan to go to the cinema. She texts me Goodnight, we chat a bit. She text me Good Morning, we chat a bit.

I ask her what time she might be free for a film.


There's a group chat for the flat residents and she has appeared on that, introducing a new guy who's just moved in. I check his profile. Handsome looking chap, hugging an older gentleman and a dog. Naturally, I assume (step slightly up to the conclusion) that this guy slid in at the last moment. Somehow.

I don't blame anyone, it's just how things go but my god if I don't feel so intensely frustrated. I'm not expecting any advice. Like I say, this is a rant. It just feels like life is so regularly setting me up for a fall. And each time it does I fortify my shell and hunker down into a self-imposed isolation.

Submitted April 20, 2019 at 01:42PM

Sorry, guys, Just wanted to get something off my best. This is probably entirely 'for me', but for some reason I feel in need of an audience.I have been single for a long time, about ten years. I'm straight male, 34. In terms of appeal, I guess I'm 'fine' although probably not too great in the face department. In fact the department has closed down and been converted into a sanctuary for stray cats.Anyway, once every three years I'll end up chatting with someone and I'll think "Hey, this person seems cool and they appear to think me cool too." This was at a 'block-warming' event, an opportunity to meet residents of the flat complex I recently moved into. The conversation flowed well and we had a load of unexpected things in common. We exchange numbers and plan to go to the cinema. She texts me Goodnight, we chat a bit. She text me Good Morning, we chat a bit.I ask her what time she might be free for a film.RADIO SILENCE.​There's a group chat for the flat residents and she has appeared on that, introducing a new guy who's just moved in. I check his profile. Handsome looking chap, hugging an older gentleman and a dog. Naturally, I assume (step slightly up to the conclusion) that this guy slid in at the last moment. Somehow.I don't blame anyone, it's just how things go but my god if I don't feel so intensely frustrated. I'm not expecting any advice. Like I say, this is a rant. It just feels like life is so regularly setting me up for a fall. And each time it does I fortify my shell and hunker down into a self-imposed isolation.


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