Buy fake cum.
If you know any place to buy fake cum or good brands, like what pornstars use. I heard there’s also cum lubes, don’t know which ones are good or bad. Give any info if you’ve ever tried it or what are the best ones you’ve tried. Also if anyone knows how to DIY it(only if it’s safe to put inside body), pls do tell or link me it 👀
Submitted April 14, 2019 at 05:34AM
If you know any place to buy fake cum or good brands, like what pornstars use. I heard there’s also cum lubes, don’t know which ones are good or bad. Give any info if you’ve ever tried it or what are the best ones you’ve tried. Also if anyone knows how to DIY it(only if it’s safe to put inside body), pls do tell or link me it 👀
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