Why are you supposed to wait before dating again?

I am a 33 year old man. I got out of a 5 year long relationship in January. It went OK and we are still friends. I moved out in March and got on hinge. I went on a few dates in the first week, and one of them turned into a second date, then a third, etc. I've been seeing her a couple times a week for two months now, and I haven't dated anyone else in over a month. We discussed our situation last night and decided to delete the apps and see each other exclusively. We're happy!

I want to hear what others have to say regarding the timing here. I've heard it's best to stay single for a while for some reason. I've had breakups in the past that hurt and I needed time before I was interested in other women, but I'm not feeling that now.

I know I'm kind of bragging about my success with this post, and I hope that's okay. I always like reading the success stories on here. And I really want to know - why do you think you are supposed to wait before dating again after a breakup?

Submitted May 17, 2019 at 08:00PM

I am a 33 year old man. I got out of a 5 year long relationship in January. It went OK and we are still friends. I moved out in March and got on hinge. I went on a few dates in the first week, and one of them turned into a second date, then a third, etc. I've been seeing her a couple times a week for two months now, and I haven't dated anyone else in over a month. We discussed our situation last night and decided to delete the apps and see each other exclusively. We're happy!I want to hear what others have to say regarding the timing here. I've heard it's best to stay single for a while for some reason. I've had breakups in the past that hurt and I needed time before I was interested in other women, but I'm not feeling that now.I know I'm kind of bragging about my success with this post, and I hope that's okay. I always like reading the success stories on here. And I really want to know - why do you think you are supposed to wait before dating again after a breakup?


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