Girlfriend had extremely high sex drive during beginning of relationship, but now barely seems to enjoy sex.

My girlfriend (22f) and I (23m) have been dating for about 4 months now. At first we could barely keep our hands off each other, and it was sex multiple times a week, surprise blowjobs, morning sex, the whole nine yards, etc.. She would even initiate a lot of it too! About 3 weeks ago, I started noticing the sex frequency went down, which I was fine with, I thought it would just be a slight break to offset all the sex we were having at the start of the relationship. But we never quite bounced back, and with each passing week I feel it's been getting worse. She rejects most of my advances, switches the conversation topic every time I bring it up, barely ever initiates sex, and when we actually do get after it, I feel like she's just trying to rush me to finish as fast as possible. She's such a giving person when it comes to sex, that maybe I thought she just wanted to be on the receiving end more, so I started eating her out more and longer, but she usually doesn't even want that.

The first thing I considered was that she was probably mad about something she wasn't telling me about, but she's still quite affectionate and not at all emotionally distant or anything. On one hand I feel kind of like a dick for blaming her for not having as much sex as I would like, but on the other hand I feel sort of used, like she baited me into the relationship with lots of sex and then stopped when I chose to commit. Is this something that girls do? If that's not true, and I'm just being crazy, then I at least feel a bit insecure that she may not find me as attractive anymore (even though she's always giving me compliments). I really love this girl, and it would really hurt to let the relationship go, but if this is what my future holds, then I'm having doubts about the relationship. Can anyone give some advice?

Submitted May 18, 2019 at 06:29AM

My girlfriend (22f) and I (23m) have been dating for about 4 months now. At first we could barely keep our hands off each other, and it was sex multiple times a week, surprise blowjobs, morning sex, the whole nine yards, etc.. She would even initiate a lot of it too! About 3 weeks ago, I started noticing the sex frequency went down, which I was fine with, I thought it would just be a slight break to offset all the sex we were having at the start of the relationship. But we never quite bounced back, and with each passing week I feel it's been getting worse. She rejects most of my advances, switches the conversation topic every time I bring it up, barely ever initiates sex, and when we actually do get after it, I feel like she's just trying to rush me to finish as fast as possible. She's such a giving person when it comes to sex, that maybe I thought she just wanted to be on the receiving end more, so I started eating her out more and longer, but she usually doesn't even want that.The first thing I considered was that she was probably mad about something she wasn't telling me about, but she's still quite affectionate and not at all emotionally distant or anything. On one hand I feel kind of like a dick for blaming her for not having as much sex as I would like, but on the other hand I feel sort of used, like she baited me into the relationship with lots of sex and then stopped when I chose to commit. Is this something that girls do? If that's not true, and I'm just being crazy, then I at least feel a bit insecure that she may not find me as attractive anymore (even though she's always giving me compliments). I really love this girl, and it would really hurt to let the relationship go, but if this is what my future holds, then I'm having doubts about the relationship. Can anyone give some advice?


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