How do I transition from the dating phase to the relationship phase?

I'll be totally honest here, more than a late bloomer, up until this year I have never really had a relationship last longer than a month. But now I am seeing someone I really like, we have been going out for about 3 months, we go out about once a week and we talk everyday. I have introduced her to some of my friends and they all like her, and I am taking her to a wedding this weekend out of town, so I am really looking forward to that.

But it just feels like we're dating. It doesn't feel like I am her boyfriend or anything like that. We haven't been intimate yet and we have barely made out. I will admit, she is fit and extremely attractive whereas I am a bit overweight so I am probably a little more timid in making my moves then I would be with other girls, but only because I don't want to to screw anything up.

I feel like my inexperience in relationships is really coming back to bite me now, as I don't know how to be in a relationship really.

But I am hopeful this sub may have some suggestions of how to take this to the next step.

Thank you for any and all replies

Submitted May 17, 2019 at 04:03PM

I'll be totally honest here, more than a late bloomer, up until this year I have never really had a relationship last longer than a month. But now I am seeing someone I really like, we have been going out for about 3 months, we go out about once a week and we talk everyday. I have introduced her to some of my friends and they all like her, and I am taking her to a wedding this weekend out of town, so I am really looking forward to that.But it just feels like we're dating. It doesn't feel like I am her boyfriend or anything like that. We haven't been intimate yet and we have barely made out. I will admit, she is fit and extremely attractive whereas I am a bit overweight so I am probably a little more timid in making my moves then I would be with other girls, but only because I don't want to to screw anything up.I feel like my inexperience in relationships is really coming back to bite me now, as I don't know how to be in a relationship really.But I am hopeful this sub may have some suggestions of how to take this to the next step.Thank you for any and all replies


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