yeah i’m newly ace and have looked around at ethical non-monogamy as well. it’s very mixed, some people have a great time and some not so much. we’ve still yet to try it, as we are taking it slow, but there has been a lot of discussions on about it, rules and boundaries etc. in mine and my partners eyes, we see it as, yes, just because i don’t have sexual attraction and he does, and we aren’t as sexually active as the “normal” couple is, doesn’t mean we are not compatible. we are compatible in so many other ways. there’s so many other attractions too, romantic, sensual, aesthetic, platonic etc that you can be compatible in and that could be the same for you and your girlfriend. for ethical non-monogamy side of things, at the end of the day, my partner said to me, “it’s just sex, it’s you i’ll be living my life with and coming home to” and for us, it’s definitely worth a try because it could turn out amazing, and it could be the best thing we’ve done. and if sadly, if it doesn’t work,...