Am I right for cutting this guy off for his low effort in communicating with me outside of our dates?
I’m 27 and he’s 34. I dated this guy for almost a month and we’ve seen each other once a week for a total of 3 dates. Dates are fun and full of laughter and we slowly starting learning more about each other as it’s supposed to go. However, outside of that, I could barely get a hold on this guy. For context, he initially pursued me and I wasn’t all that interested tbh but he asked me to hang out and I gave him a chance. Long story short, I grew to see him as a potential partner. By our third (and final) date, I found myself mostly initiating our conversations. When he would respond, I would follow up and then not hear from him for days. The very few times he would start a convo, I would still be left on read. When I questioned him, he said that his work takes a toll on him and he gets super busy and doesn’t have the time or energy to text back. I would be ok with this except for the fact that I see him active on this dating app we met on every night. So I called him out on it thru t...