How can I [24F] bond better with my brother [20M] while he's still in that angsty teenage phase?

Hey, everyone! My younger brother and I used to be a lot closer when we were younger. He looked up to me as his big sister, and we always used to joke around and have a ton of fun together. Sometime after he turned 16 or so, he hit that angsty teenage "I hate the family" phase, and it seems he still hasn't left it. I get that he's only 20 and freshly out of the teenage years, so that might have something to do with it. The only people he seems to talk to and really get along with are his gamer friends.

What are some good ways to bond with a younger sibling? My mom suggested I offer to take him out to lunch one day, but I've tried that and he doesn't really seem to care. Guys, I just miss my fun-loving little brother. Any tips, especially if you're an older sibling yourself, would be welcome. Thanks!

tl;dr: What are some good ways to bond with a younger sibling who still acts like an angsty teen?

Submitted August 12, 2020 at 12:03AM

Hey, everyone! My younger brother and I used to be a lot closer when we were younger. He looked up to me as his big sister, and we always used to joke around and have a ton of fun together. Sometime after he turned 16 or so, he hit that angsty teenage "I hate the family" phase, and it seems he still hasn't left it. I get that he's only 20 and freshly out of the teenage years, so that might have something to do with it. The only people he seems to talk to and really get along with are his gamer friends.What are some good ways to bond with a younger sibling? My mom suggested I offer to take him out to lunch one day, but I've tried that and he doesn't really seem to care. Guys, I just miss my fun-loving little brother. Any tips, especially if you're an older sibling yourself, would be welcome. Thanks!tl;dr: What are some good ways to bond with a younger sibling who still acts like an angsty teen?


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