How do I (19F) emotionally detach myself from my supposed to be boyfriend (20M)?

Throwaway because he has my other reddit account. We started off as friends in freshman year of highschool, then best friends in sophomore year. Mid sophomore year we started dating and we really like each other and dated until the end of senior year. Of course, real life doesnt play out the way we want them too and we went off to different colleges and had different goals in life but we were still dating at this point. He had changed his attitude towards me and became slightly distant. He was always online but never replying to my messages and just felt off when we talked. He asked for a break and I agreed. I asked him if that meant a break up for the time being and he said no, we are still dating, I just need sometime for myself. He had given me a jacket 2 years ago (which meant so much to me and I wore it all the time) but he asked for it back which really really hurt my feelings but I did tough it out and take it head on and realize that all relationships are bound to have some bumps along the road. I told him I support him and that I'll wait when hes ready again to talk to him. He stopped talking to me completely for 3 weeks. I know it's silly of me and this will sound petty but I opened his instagram story and he had taken a picture with another girl (which I have no problem with, I'm not possessive) but she was wearing the jacket he took away from me. He even had it captioned "the jacket shining differently lately😍". So yes, I did cry about it all day. I got my heart broken on a jacket and I'm so fucking petty but it hurts me because it meant so much to me. Now Its been enough time and I just want to have my life back. I dont want to cry all day and go through our pictures frantically everytime. How do I emotionally detach myself? How can I move on ? Was I wrong for getting butthurt over a jacket ?

Tl;dr honestly please read it because I cant rephrase it any shorter than this I'm sorry

Submitted March 28, 2020 at 12:07AM

Throwaway because he has my other reddit account. We started off as friends in freshman year of highschool, then best friends in sophomore year. Mid sophomore year we started dating and we really like each other and dated until the end of senior year. Of course, real life doesnt play out the way we want them too and we went off to different colleges and had different goals in life but we were still dating at this point. He had changed his attitude towards me and became slightly distant. He was always online but never replying to my messages and just felt off when we talked. He asked for a break and I agreed. I asked him if that meant a break up for the time being and he said no, we are still dating, I just need sometime for myself. He had given me a jacket 2 years ago (which meant so much to me and I wore it all the time) but he asked for it back which really really hurt my feelings but I did tough it out and take it head on and realize that all relationships are bound to have some bumps along the road. I told him I support him and that I'll wait when hes ready again to talk to him. He stopped talking to me completely for 3 weeks. I know it's silly of me and this will sound petty but I opened his instagram story and he had taken a picture with another girl (which I have no problem with, I'm not possessive) but she was wearing the jacket he took away from me. He even had it captioned "the jacket shining differently lately😍". So yes, I did cry about it all day. I got my heart broken on a jacket and I'm so fucking petty but it hurts me because it meant so much to me. Now Its been enough time and I just want to have my life back. I dont want to cry all day and go through our pictures frantically everytime. How do I emotionally detach myself? How can I move on ? Was I wrong for getting butthurt over a jacket ?Tl;dr honestly please read it because I cant rephrase it any shorter than this I'm sorry


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