I’m a terrible kisser please help

If I what I’m doing, I guess. I got a late start with dating and sex and I’m having trouble with kissing as awkward as that sounds. Since last weekend I’ve tried kissing>making out with 4 women and I always find myself out of my depth.

One girl did these pretty aggressive pecks and then suddenly started using her tongue. We just never got on the same page.

Another girl and I...it’s hard to explain. Imagine you try dancing with someone but you keep stepping on each other’s feet, but a kiss.

Another one was awkward because I just stopped. We kissed and the kid itself was okay. A slower one with no tongue (I wanna cut my skin off for typing this). I thought it was like a sweet moment so I stopped for literally like a second and then we had this awkward seesaw of should we kiss again or shouldn’t we.

Then the last one was weird because she bit my lip and I liked that so then I thought I’d bite hers and I did it but it was just weird after that. I have a feeling like I shouldn’t have done it. And no, I didn’t bite it hard or anything like that.

All of this is pretty hard to describe but I know I’m a bad kisser. Idk how to improve though because it’s not like something you can practice without it being even more awkward.

Just to add some more info, I do have normally very dry lips. I keep them moisturized throughout the day (not too much I don’t make them glossy or anything) and they’re not nearly as bad as they were years ago. Also, because reading back over this I sound like a teenager, I’m 25. I was just a fat kid and I recently got out of my ugly duckling stage.

I just wish I could enjoy a damn kiss

Submitted January 09, 2020 at 11:54PM

If I what I’m doing, I guess. I got a late start with dating and sex and I’m having trouble with kissing as awkward as that sounds. Since last weekend I’ve tried kissing>making out with 4 women and I always find myself out of my depth.One girl did these pretty aggressive pecks and then suddenly started using her tongue. We just never got on the same page.Another girl and I...it’s hard to explain. Imagine you try dancing with someone but you keep stepping on each other’s feet, but a kiss.Another one was awkward because I just stopped. We kissed and the kid itself was okay. A slower one with no tongue (I wanna cut my skin off for typing this). I thought it was like a sweet moment so I stopped for literally like a second and then we had this awkward seesaw of should we kiss again or shouldn’t we.Then the last one was weird because she bit my lip and I liked that so then I thought I’d bite hers and I did it but it was just weird after that. I have a feeling like I shouldn’t have done it. And no, I didn’t bite it hard or anything like that.All of this is pretty hard to describe but I know I’m a bad kisser. Idk how to improve though because it’s not like something you can practice without it being even more awkward.Just to add some more info, I do have normally very dry lips. I keep them moisturized throughout the day (not too much I don’t make them glossy or anything) and they’re not nearly as bad as they were years ago. Also, because reading back over this I sound like a teenager, I’m 25. I was just a fat kid and I recently got out of my ugly duckling stage.I just wish I could enjoy a damn kiss


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