How tell guy i had bad sex with that I don’t want to see him anymore

So I met this guy in a bar and after talking for a while we added each other on Snapchat and he seemed cool. I wanted to have sex with him but I didn’t want to rush it because it’s a lot more hot when I hold myself back for the first couple times we hang out. So the third time we hung out I made my move and it was so hot when we had sex and we had sex a few times that night. I didn’t come but it was very passionate. He made breakfast the next day then left. Fast forward to a few days later he comes over and we hang out for a little bit then we go to my room and we have sex and after we had sex we were cuddling and he was telling me “crazy” things he has done in the bedroom with his ex. he would add a lot of unnecessary details (even tho I didn’t ask) but he mentioned his ex so much and that just really turned me off. I noticed that he talks about his ex a lot, but doing it right after sex was a big mood killer. I thought we would go another round and I was hoping to have a lot more sex that night but after him mentioning his ex so many times I think I’m permanently turned off. he kind of has a small dick and that wasn’t a problem for me until he didn’t want to go down on me to like, “make up” where he’s lacking, even when I gave him head for a good 10 minutes. when he fingered me it would feel good for like two seconds but once he noticed my reaction he would go really fast and it would hurt and not feel good it all, he would also do that while fucking me. I tried to help him and tell him how to make it better but he really couldn’t figure it out . So the lust is gone and I’m over him. My birthday is in a couple days and he wants to get me a gift even tho I insist that he doesn’t. I am trying to figure out how to tell him that I’m no longer interested and I don’t think I even want to be friends. How do I tell him this in a nice way without seeming like an asshole?

Submitted January 09, 2020 at 11:34PM

So I met this guy in a bar and after talking for a while we added each other on Snapchat and he seemed cool. I wanted to have sex with him but I didn’t want to rush it because it’s a lot more hot when I hold myself back for the first couple times we hang out. So the third time we hung out I made my move and it was so hot when we had sex and we had sex a few times that night. I didn’t come but it was very passionate. He made breakfast the next day then left. Fast forward to a few days later he comes over and we hang out for a little bit then we go to my room and we have sex and after we had sex we were cuddling and he was telling me “crazy” things he has done in the bedroom with his ex. he would add a lot of unnecessary details (even tho I didn’t ask) but he mentioned his ex so much and that just really turned me off. I noticed that he talks about his ex a lot, but doing it right after sex was a big mood killer. I thought we would go another round and I was hoping to have a lot more sex that night but after him mentioning his ex so many times I think I’m permanently turned off. he kind of has a small dick and that wasn’t a problem for me until he didn’t want to go down on me to like, “make up” where he’s lacking, even when I gave him head for a good 10 minutes. when he fingered me it would feel good for like two seconds but once he noticed my reaction he would go really fast and it would hurt and not feel good it all, he would also do that while fucking me. I tried to help him and tell him how to make it better but he really couldn’t figure it out . So the lust is gone and I’m over him. My birthday is in a couple days and he wants to get me a gift even tho I insist that he doesn’t. I am trying to figure out how to tell him that I’m no longer interested and I don’t think I even want to be friends. How do I tell him this in a nice way without seeming like an asshole?


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