"OMG I thought I texted you back!"

Girl Ive been talking to for a bit has pulled this one like 3 or 4 times now where she will go multiple days without replying and then say this. Obviously its bullshit, I dont think I just "forget" to text someone back for a couple days multiple times if I actually want to talk to them. I should probably take this as a sign she is uninterested, but why doesnt she just not text me at all? Like once it goes a few hours I just assume she wont reply and its whatever, and then I get these texts and its like what message are you trying to send? Seems like she is using me for attention.... Thoughts on how I should proceed? Next time she pulls this should I just not respond?

Submitted September 21, 2021 at 12:02AM

Girl Ive been talking to for a bit has pulled this one like 3 or 4 times now where she will go multiple days without replying and then say this. Obviously its bullshit, I dont think I just "forget" to text someone back for a couple days multiple times if I actually want to talk to them. I should probably take this as a sign she is uninterested, but why doesnt she just not text me at all? Like once it goes a few hours I just assume she wont reply and its whatever, and then I get these texts and its like what message are you trying to send? Seems like she is using me for attention.... Thoughts on how I should proceed? Next time she pulls this should I just not respond?


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