Anyone else have a low sex drive right now?

18yo male. I was at college for 2 months before I got sent home. I was fresh out of a relationship and would be pretty horny a lot of the time.

Since I've been home, I really haven't felt that horny. I hope my testosterone levels are alright because I still work out (and other drawbacks to low levels).

Anyone else feeling this? I'm wondering if it's because I'm not seeing any women in person besides my mom.

I'm not really stressed either

Submitted April 17, 2020 at 11:56PM

18yo male. I was at college for 2 months before I got sent home. I was fresh out of a relationship and would be pretty horny a lot of the time.Since I've been home, I really haven't felt that horny. I hope my testosterone levels are alright because I still work out (and other drawbacks to low levels).Anyone else feeling this? I'm wondering if it's because I'm not seeing any women in person besides my mom.I'm not really stressed either


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