I absolutely, positively, 100%, ADORE sucking cock
I don't really know how else to approach this subject so I'll just spell it out plainly; sucking dick is basically my favorite thing in the world. Its kind of hard to describe tbh, its just that something about it feels so wonderful. When Im down there doing my thing, and hes rock hard and twitching, and Im taking him balls deep again and again, and I can taste the little droplets of precum on my tongue telling me Im doing a good job, Im just so fucking HAPPY. It feels so right and so lovely and I cant get enough. Ill pull him out of my mouth just to rub his cock all over my face, suck his balls for a bit, before diving right back in for more.
I love cum as well, and not just the 'better tasting' versions of it. Even if its salty and bitter, I dont care, when I get into that headspace it just tastes like cotton candy to me. I love to swallow of course. The first guy I ever blew, he straddled my chest while I layed on my back, and when those first hot jets of gooey spunk started splashing against the back of my throat I got so turned on that I literally became lightheaded. Its a good thing I was lying down or I would have fallen over. I came myself moments later. Nowadays, I can cum handsfree from the act of sucking cock, and often do.
Sometimes Im even sad after the guy cums, because that usually means he wants me to stop, haha. Occasionally Ill keep him in my mouth and just continue nursing on him for a bit (gently), as he slowly goes flaccid. The reactions I get from having his hypersensitive refractory cockhead in my mouth are cute and funny (but again, Im slow and gentle by this stage, Im not doing it to torture him). More than a few times he will get hard again after a few minutes of that, and Ill be able to get dessert! Also, pretty much all of my masturbation material is blowjob/ throbbing oral creampie videos. They just turn me on more than anything else.
So yeah, I just needed to get this off my chest, Ive just never been able to really describe all of this to someone. It saddens me that the term 'cocksucker' is often used as an insult because thats me to a T, lol. Its crossed my mind that I may have an oral fixation. Anyone else in this boat?
Submitted March 13, 2020 at 12:10AM
I don't really know how else to approach this subject so I'll just spell it out plainly; sucking dick is basically my favorite thing in the world. Its kind of hard to describe tbh, its just that something about it feels so wonderful. When Im down there doing my thing, and hes rock hard and twitching, and Im taking him balls deep again and again, and I can taste the little droplets of precum on my tongue telling me Im doing a good job, Im just so fucking HAPPY. It feels so right and so lovely and I cant get enough. Ill pull him out of my mouth just to rub his cock all over my face, suck his balls for a bit, before diving right back in for more.I love cum as well, and not just the 'better tasting' versions of it. Even if its salty and bitter, I dont care, when I get into that headspace it just tastes like cotton candy to me. I love to swallow of course. The first guy I ever blew, he straddled my chest while I layed on my back, and when those first hot jets of gooey spunk started splashing against the back of my throat I got so turned on that I literally became lightheaded. Its a good thing I was lying down or I would have fallen over. I came myself moments later. Nowadays, I can cum handsfree from the act of sucking cock, and often do.Sometimes Im even sad after the guy cums, because that usually means he wants me to stop, haha. Occasionally Ill keep him in my mouth and just continue nursing on him for a bit (gently), as he slowly goes flaccid. The reactions I get from having his hypersensitive refractory cockhead in my mouth are cute and funny (but again, Im slow and gentle by this stage, Im not doing it to torture him). More than a few times he will get hard again after a few minutes of that, and Ill be able to get dessert! Also, pretty much all of my masturbation material is blowjob/ throbbing oral creampie videos. They just turn me on more than anything else.So yeah, I just needed to get this off my chest, Ive just never been able to really describe all of this to someone. It saddens me that the term 'cocksucker' is often used as an insult because thats me to a T, lol. Its crossed my mind that I may have an oral fixation. Anyone else in this boat?
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