Protip: Turn Off Read Receipts (if you haven't already)

Read Receipts are a tool of the needy person. Don't use them. Nobody likes someone who wants or sends read receipts. We're all busy and we all have pressure in our lives, and there's no need to add more pressure to it. I don't need to know if you've read my message. Once you stop getting the read receipts, you'll find yourself thinking less and less about whether the other person has read your message. Just assume that if they haven't texted you back, then they are busy and will get back to you later. That's the smart thing to do anyway if you don't want to appear needy.

Submitted December 07, 2019 at 12:06AM

Read Receipts are a tool of the needy person. Don't use them. Nobody likes someone who wants or sends read receipts. We're all busy and we all have pressure in our lives, and there's no need to add more pressure to it. I don't need to know if you've read my message. Once you stop getting the read receipts, you'll find yourself thinking less and less about whether the other person has read your message. Just assume that if they haven't texted you back, then they are busy and will get back to you later. That's the smart thing to do anyway if you don't want to appear needy.


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