Guys, when you’ve approached a random girl that you thought was checking you out/interested, how often did it go well? When did it not?

I’m looking for people to share stories of their successes and failures when that sort of thing has happened. I personally struggle to approach girls even when I think they might be interested. For some dumb reason my brain thinks it’s weird or inappropriate to show interest in girls. Idk where this feeling comes from, maybe because I’m socially awkward (have autism), or because I don’t want to assume she’s checking me out/interested in case she’s not.

I feel like hearing some stories of how things went will help me gain the confidence to make moves. My dating life has suffered greatly from not making moves, especially since guys are expected to make the first move by many. I need to fix this.

Submitted July 10, 2021 at 12:11AM

I’m looking for people to share stories of their successes and failures when that sort of thing has happened. I personally struggle to approach girls even when I think they might be interested. For some dumb reason my brain thinks it’s weird or inappropriate to show interest in girls. Idk where this feeling comes from, maybe because I’m socially awkward (have autism), or because I don’t want to assume she’s checking me out/interested in case she’s not.I feel like hearing some stories of how things went will help me gain the confidence to make moves. My dating life has suffered greatly from not making moves, especially since guys are expected to make the first move by many. I need to fix this.


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