Experiences and guidelines for multi dating?

TLDR: What are good limits and rules for Multidating so i treat everyone well (avoid hurting feelings, feeling guilt etc).

You can ignore my story below if u want, it's just showing a bit of my insecurity regarding Multidating that's all. Might be a bit confusing. Sorry for that.

Hi everyone,

I think online dating or 2020 / 2021 kinda changed how dating nowadays works, or what we are dating at the moment.

The topic I need advice on now is multi dating.

Context: For setting a bit context, I am male, 26 - and I am late bloomer regarding relationships (only 1 which lasted a year). I myself would describe myself fairly attractive, open, extroverted etc. with "common" hobbies and I can hold myself relatively well in conversation. Just a normo, funny and genuinely nice guy. Ive always thought myself as a relationship kinda guy and who would normally date only a person at a time. Be it as it may now I am in a situation in which I like 2 girls and for now it is very well ATM.

  • 1 girl I've been writing a bit, but I've met her in Person. Given that we were the same culture and other interests we hit it well every much during our date. We also shared some physical intimacy (holding hands and stuff during walking and diner) no kissing on lips. The date felt kinda couplish for me. It was on the borderline on too fast imo xD and I was really happy that we only kissed on the cheek after the date and not made out.

    • other girl, been writing and calling her a lot. Sometimes talking with her 2-3h late night. I also digitally played some songs for her. I like her a lot, I think I know her a bettr than the aforementioned girl, but I didn't meet her yet.

I am afraid at the moment that I was already too intimate with the first girl (kinda unreasonable but idk just my feelings ) and I am scared that I might go too fast even though I don't want to, with either of the girls.

What I need now at the moment, is some advice or experience, where to set limits on intimacy, so I don't hurt anyone of them, or what and how I should clarify and communicate regarding the Multidating, so no one feels "emotionally cheated" or noone gets hurt / I rather avoid hurting. I observe myself that I will most likely be very much attached to either one of them / will be unable to keep it casual ... I didn't intend for this situation but I have to do something soon, in order to keep it early and clear. Having 1 person only makes it so muh easier .... Idk

Submitted July 09, 2021 at 11:37PM

TLDR: What are good limits and rules for Multidating so i treat everyone well (avoid hurting feelings, feeling guilt etc).You can ignore my story below if u want, it's just showing a bit of my insecurity regarding Multidating that's all. Might be a bit confusing. Sorry for that.Hi everyone,I think online dating or 2020 / 2021 kinda changed how dating nowadays works, or what we are dating at the moment.The topic I need advice on now is multi dating.Context: For setting a bit context, I am male, 26 - and I am late bloomer regarding relationships (only 1 which lasted a year). I myself would describe myself fairly attractive, open, extroverted etc. with "common" hobbies and I can hold myself relatively well in conversation. Just a normo, funny and genuinely nice guy. Ive always thought myself as a relationship kinda guy and who would normally date only a person at a time. Be it as it may now I am in a situation in which I like 2 girls and for now it is very well ATM.1 girl I've been writing a bit, but I've met her in Person. Given that we were the same culture and other interests we hit it well every much during our date. We also shared some physical intimacy (holding hands and stuff during walking and diner) no kissing on lips. The date felt kinda couplish for me. It was on the borderline on too fast imo xD and I was really happy that we only kissed on the cheek after the date and not made out.other girl, been writing and calling her a lot. Sometimes talking with her 2-3h late night. I also digitally played some songs for her. I like her a lot, I think I know her a bettr than the aforementioned girl, but I didn't meet her yet.I am afraid at the moment that I was already too intimate with the first girl (kinda unreasonable but idk just my feelings ) and I am scared that I might go too fast even though I don't want to, with either of the girls.What I need now at the moment, is some advice or experience, where to set limits on intimacy, so I don't hurt anyone of them, or what and how I should clarify and communicate regarding the Multidating, so no one feels "emotionally cheated" or noone gets hurt / I rather avoid hurting. I observe myself that I will most likely be very much attached to either one of them / will be unable to keep it casual ... I didn't intend for this situation but I have to do something soon, in order to keep it early and clear. Having 1 person only makes it so muh easier .... Idk


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