(27f) Should I even bother confirming this upcoming date?

Hi all! I need some advice:

I've been seeing a guy (37m) for about 3months.

He's super friendly, affectionate, and has been very open with me but for the last two weeks his communication has slowed down from our previous contact (good morning / good night video chats in between dates, daily meme exchanges, etc)

We had a date scheduled last Thursday that was made before the drift. I initiated a bit of contact in between without a response. So I just assumed he was busy and went on with my week.

On Wednesday afternoon I called him to confirm and he asked for a raincheck since he had forgotten he already had plans with some coworkers.

He offered another date for this upcoming Wednesday but contact is still a bit muffled.

Should I bother trying to confirm with him again the night before? Or just wait for him to contact me? 🤷🏾‍♀️

Submitted July 10, 2021 at 12:05AM

Hi all! I need some advice:I've been seeing a guy (37m) for about 3months.He's super friendly, affectionate, and has been very open with me but for the last two weeks his communication has slowed down from our previous contact (good morning / good night video chats in between dates, daily meme exchanges, etc)We had a date scheduled last Thursday that was made before the drift. I initiated a bit of contact in between without a response. So I just assumed he was busy and went on with my week.On Wednesday afternoon I called him to confirm and he asked for a raincheck since he had forgotten he already had plans with some coworkers.He offered another date for this upcoming Wednesday but contact is still a bit muffled.Should I bother trying to confirm with him again the night before? Or just wait for him to contact me? 🤷🏾‍♀️


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