29F went on a date with 35M


2 weeks ago I 29F went on a date with a 35M. We hit it off… so I thought.

This was my 4th time matching him on a dating app and we decided to give it a go and agreed to dinner. The night was great. I really enjoyed the convo and he mentioned twice wanting to see me again. I went away for a weeklong trip and conversation (thru text only) was consistent however lackluster and diminished… he is repeatedly making comments such as “work is hard/tough/busy… etc”

Effective this week, I’m only hearing from him maybe once a day. I asked him if he was free anytime ‘soon’ for dinner and he responded that work has been keeping him busy.

Now usually I would take this as a sign and lose interest… but since he’s 35 — that’s why I’m on here making this post. Should men at this age be more clear? Am I completely missing this sign? Am I to accept that he’s really busy with work? I think after just one date I don’t necessarily have the right to ask if he’s interested… but what should/can I do?

Advice is needed. Thank you.

Submitted July 09, 2021 at 11:19PM

Hello…2 weeks ago I 29F went on a date with a 35M. We hit it off… so I thought.This was my 4th time matching him on a dating app and we decided to give it a go and agreed to dinner. The night was great. I really enjoyed the convo and he mentioned twice wanting to see me again. I went away for a weeklong trip and conversation (thru text only) was consistent however lackluster and diminished… he is repeatedly making comments such as “work is hard/tough/busy… etc”Effective this week, I’m only hearing from him maybe once a day. I asked him if he was free anytime ‘soon’ for dinner and he responded that work has been keeping him busy.Now usually I would take this as a sign and lose interest… but since he’s 35 — that’s why I’m on here making this post. Should men at this age be more clear? Am I completely missing this sign? Am I to accept that he’s really busy with work? I think after just one date I don’t necessarily have the right to ask if he’s interested… but what should/can I do?Advice is needed. Thank you.


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