The motivation after a breakup is unreal (especially if you are the dumpee)

I (M22) and my ex-girlfriend (F21) broke up at the start of February and haven't spoken in 13 weeks (not a long time but still).

To give you some background she was rather lazy; couldn't save money, be bothered to learn to drive, cook for herself or even clean up after herself (her mum literally still made her bed). The relationship was rather insane as we went on loads of holidays (NYC and Las Vegas was literally 9 months apart), eat in restaurants ranging from £30 to £80 a meal, and she was rather spoilt by me (£1050 Tag Heuer, £400 Tiffany's necklace, £200 Gucci belt, £100 MK heels and £80 Adidas trainers all in the last five months, of a three year relationship), and picking her up from nightouts and always being at her place instead of mine, etc. (First relationship for us both. She probably get a shock when this lifestyle is truly gone. Poor her).

Anyway, when we broke up, I was really upset. But there was this spark inside me that thought "let's be better". I have always been a keen saver and managed to put away £11100 for a house deposit (I started young because I know how difficult buying a house is). So I planned out my financial plan to get a house by 25. And I am gonna do it. What an achievement that would be...

Wish me luck!

Submitted May 10, 2020 at 11:51PM

I (M22) and my ex-girlfriend (F21) broke up at the start of February and haven't spoken in 13 weeks (not a long time but still).To give you some background she was rather lazy; couldn't save money, be bothered to learn to drive, cook for herself or even clean up after herself (her mum literally still made her bed). The relationship was rather insane as we went on loads of holidays (NYC and Las Vegas was literally 9 months apart), eat in restaurants ranging from £30 to £80 a meal, and she was rather spoilt by me (£1050 Tag Heuer, £400 Tiffany's necklace, £200 Gucci belt, £100 MK heels and £80 Adidas trainers all in the last five months, of a three year relationship), and picking her up from nightouts and always being at her place instead of mine, etc. (First relationship for us both. She probably get a shock when this lifestyle is truly gone. Poor her).Anyway, when we broke up, I was really upset. But there was this spark inside me that thought "let's be better". I have always been a keen saver and managed to put away £11100 for a house deposit (I started young because I know how difficult buying a house is). So I planned out my financial plan to get a house by 25. And I am gonna do it. What an achievement that would be...Wish me luck!


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