I’m in a relationship I’m not happy with and I don’t know how to end it

I’m in a relationship I’m not happy with and I tried leaving but when I did and after I blocked they repeatedly called me from a No Caller ID number and kept saying they were gonna call the cops to find out my location cause they were worried about me and tbh it’s starting to scare me that I can’t get out of it without feeling like I did something wrong. How should I break it off and how should I keep myself safe?

Submitted May 11, 2020 at 12:07AM

I’m in a relationship I’m not happy with and I tried leaving but when I did and after I blocked they repeatedly called me from a No Caller ID number and kept saying they were gonna call the cops to find out my location cause they were worried about me and tbh it’s starting to scare me that I can’t get out of it without feeling like I did something wrong. How should I break it off and how should I keep myself safe?


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