I [35M] give up. How do I find women who are attracted to my money?
Since my last relationship dating has been going poorly. Just... so. many. first. dates. I've relaxed my standards way beyond where I started. I've decided to just go ahead and relax them to 1) good person and 2) there is a universe in which I could see us having sex. I don't want to continue living my life alone.
I'm a little overweight but on the whole I'm a good looking guy. I have interesting hobbies, strong values and I emphasize giving back. But since that's apparently not enough, the other thing I have going is that I've been professionally successful and have a seven figure net worth.
Other than dressing well and wearing a nice watch this isn't something I outright talk about IRL. But I'm assuming there are plenty of people who prioritize financial security or maybe people who have had a difficult time getting by who this would be a big plus for. At the same time, I'm not looking for a sugar baby situation. So I'm not really sure how to find a woman that fits in that category but isn't straight up looking for me to pay her rent in exchange for sex. Any ideas?
Submitted March 22, 2021 at 12:03AM
Since my last relationship dating has been going poorly. Just... so. many. first. dates. I've relaxed my standards way beyond where I started. I've decided to just go ahead and relax them to 1) good person and 2) there is a universe in which I could see us having sex. I don't want to continue living my life alone.I'm a little overweight but on the whole I'm a good looking guy. I have interesting hobbies, strong values and I emphasize giving back. But since that's apparently not enough, the other thing I have going is that I've been professionally successful and have a seven figure net worth.Other than dressing well and wearing a nice watch this isn't something I outright talk about IRL. But I'm assuming there are plenty of people who prioritize financial security or maybe people who have had a difficult time getting by who this would be a big plus for. At the same time, I'm not looking for a sugar baby situation. So I'm not really sure how to find a woman that fits in that category but isn't straight up looking for me to pay her rent in exchange for sex. Any ideas?
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