Bogus sext responses

So I (26F) am in a long distance relationship with an amazing guy (41M). We clicked on almost every level right from the start, and have a beautiful energy connection. Communication isn’t the best via technology options, but in person and through phone calls we talk nonstop. I’ve pretty much have gotten over the lack of texting, and am learning how to break the habit and focus on better myself and what I do in my free time.

Now I’m a very sexual person, always have been. Him, he doesn’t seem to have as high of a sex drive, but we still have incredibly stimulating sex. Now onto my struggle. I used to take photos of myself and have professional bedroom photos done. Loved the way it made me feel and the response to them from others. Obviously I don’t send those to anyone else anymore, just my man. But his responses are so lame. Simple “hot” “you look pretty” kinda responses. Nothing drawn out, nothing else to follow up, no specific comments at all. It usually makes me feel rejected in a way, like I lost my wow factor or something. Sometimes if I’m feeling really down I’ll share on reddit just to get the type of responses to boost my mood. But this feels so wrong to be doing, and haven’t in awhile.

I don’t know if it’s an age gap disconnect? Insecurity’s coming back? I’ve lost my attractiveness? How do I talk to him about this?! It’s giving me such anxiety.

TLTR; long distance relationship with a 15 year age gap. I’m a bit more sexually charged than he seems to be. I send nude sexy photos and get basic responses (“hot””you look pretty”). Starting to wear on me, being sexualized by my lover builds my confidence and is a nice reminder I’m wanted. How do I talk to him about this?!

Submitted August 21, 2019 at 12:10AM

So I (26F) am in a long distance relationship with an amazing guy (41M). We clicked on almost every level right from the start, and have a beautiful energy connection. Communication isn’t the best via technology options, but in person and through phone calls we talk nonstop. I’ve pretty much have gotten over the lack of texting, and am learning how to break the habit and focus on better myself and what I do in my free time.Now I’m a very sexual person, always have been. Him, he doesn’t seem to have as high of a sex drive, but we still have incredibly stimulating sex. Now onto my struggle. I used to take photos of myself and have professional bedroom photos done. Loved the way it made me feel and the response to them from others. Obviously I don’t send those to anyone else anymore, just my man. But his responses are so lame. Simple “hot” “you look pretty” kinda responses. Nothing drawn out, nothing else to follow up, no specific comments at all. It usually makes me feel rejected in a way, like I lost my wow factor or something. Sometimes if I’m feeling really down I’ll share on reddit just to get the type of responses to boost my mood. But this feels so wrong to be doing, and haven’t in awhile.I don’t know if it’s an age gap disconnect? Insecurity’s coming back? I’ve lost my attractiveness? How do I talk to him about this?! It’s giving me such anxiety.TLTR; long distance relationship with a 15 year age gap. I’m a bit more sexually charged than he seems to be. I send nude sexy photos and get basic responses (“hot””you look pretty”). Starting to wear on me, being sexualized by my lover builds my confidence and is a nice reminder I’m wanted. How do I talk to him about this?!


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