/u/Huntracony on Newly Ace looking for advice!
What do you mean by "the conversation got shot down"? Because I can interpret this in two very different ways. Either:
- they don't know what asexuality really is, you couldn't explain it very well, and the conversation kind of ground to a halt, in which case maybe you can give them some reading material or take them through the steps of how you found out you were ace; or
- they got angry when you brought it up and you're scared that if you bring it up again they'll get angry again, in which case that's a massive red flag with 'Abuse!' written all over it and I urge you to get help, for instance by googling your country's abuse hotline number and calling it; even if you're not sure that it's abuse, there's no harm in talking to someone about it.
December 31, 2021 at 12:44AM
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