21M and still single, is there something wrong with me?
As the title might suggest, I am a 21 year old who has never been in a relationship, and not for lack of trying. At this point I don't know what I'm doing wrong, or what the holdup is. I've tried to be as true to myself as possible while following the common bits of advice, but nothing seems to be working and I'm getting scared. Does anyone have any pieces of advice for a brother truly struggling with the basics?
Submitted August 03, 2020 at 12:02AM
As the title might suggest, I am a 21 year old who has never been in a relationship, and not for lack of trying. At this point I don't know what I'm doing wrong, or what the holdup is. I've tried to be as true to myself as possible while following the common bits of advice, but nothing seems to be working and I'm getting scared. Does anyone have any pieces of advice for a brother truly struggling with the basics?
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