/u/sgt_esgiti on Anyone else have no family, friends or partner? Tips on how to cope please..

Hi and I'm sorry to hear about your past, but also happy that you're on the road to recovering from it. I also struggle a lot with being around people and getting close to them. If I spend to much time around others I get super exhausted and I'd rather be on my own. But here's the thing: it gets better with time, the more you hang around people, the more you'll get used to it! Only up to 3-4 years ago, when I really started to make friends and hang out with people more, after some time I'd start to hate seeing them, I'd make me feel empty, bored, anxious. I'd often disappear and cut all contact with them for weeks. Now, while I still have those issues and often need a break after being around people for too long, I actually enjoy being with my friends and I call or text them almost every day. So stay strong, get advice from your therapist, find good friends that will support you no matter what and you'll see things will get better.

July 21, 2022 at 11:43PM


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