/u/Zekrom_NMC on Dealing with asexuality.

Hey, Heteromantic here, I don't know about your experience and I cannot even imagine the level of anxiety you're passing for the way you describe it, but my genuine advice is: Most of the time you don't need to say anything if you just don't want to... And let me explain myself, with this I'm not telling you just to not be proud of who you're, I'm telling you in my experience being Ace if you find a partner or friends who you're confortable with most of the time the subject is not gonna come up, the mayority of people doesn't even know the term of heteromantic so you're just hetero for them until you say otherwise, and if you get to get interest in someone romantically and you feel to anxious to tell them well you could try to just go slow and see if this person is really gonna judge or if you can tell them how you feel, for the way you put it sounds difficult all that pressure of trying to be as normal as possible but I get it my parents doesn't know I'm Ace but I still talk with them about wanting to marry someone in the future, just remember even if you don't express it if you know who you're that's all that matters.

December 08, 2020 at 11:44PM


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