/u/AznOmega on Where's all my asexual men 🙋🏾‍♀️

Male asexual, neutral leaning favorable towards sex.

There are asexual men. While any ace can have sex, they can easily spend time with who they love without it involving sex. I haven't had sex yet, and I don't care if I get laid or not.

I also don't experience sexual attraction or feel it towards anyone, but if I did have sex, it would be to my girlfriend or wife to show my love to her. Aces can masturbate, have sex, watch porn, do lewd stuff and create lewd/NSFW content. Aces can even have a high libido, but not feel any sexual attraction or in small cases (it is a spectrum after all).

July 02, 2021 at 12:06AM


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